
Ethan Moreau




Current Location:

Toronto, Canada


Bachelor's Degree in Economics, University of Toronto Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science, McGill University

Professional Experience:

Began as a financial analyst focusing on market trends and risk assessment. Transitioned into sports betting, leveraging his analytical skills to specialise in hockey, basketball, and Canadian football. Worked as a data scientist for a major sports betting firm, developing predictive models and algorithms to improve betting accuracy.


Certified Expert in Sports Betting Analytics from the Canadian Sports Betting Federation. A regular contributor to sports analytics journals focusing on the application of data science in sports betting.

Current Role:

Lead Sports Betting Analyst at VP-Bet – Heads a team dedicated to providing in-depth analysis and betting strategies for hockey, basketball, and football. Known for innovative approaches to data-driven betting.

Personal Life:

  • An enthusiastic hockey player, participating in local amateur leagues.
  • An avid supporter of the Toronto Raptors and the Toronto Maple Leafs, often attending games.
  • Actively involved in community initiatives that promote sports analytics among high school students.
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